
A Wagamama Menu

I swear, with all my heart, that I did not name my memoir after London’s wildly successful Japanese noodle restaurant chain by the same name.

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Mother of the Bride

Why is it that those last steps to the mountain summit are always the hardest? It’s the point you want to give up and turn

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Self-Portrait of the Author

Today September 28th is an anniversary. Today marks completion of 29 always surreal years in Japan. I’ve now lived here more than half of my life but

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Return to Innocence

Excerpt from The Wagamama Bride, a memoir in progress…   I was at Akahigedo getting treatment from a Chinese psychic who used an unusual technique

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Asian Jewish Life

Funny, but being in Japan I forget I’m in Asia, and therefore connected to the thousands of other Jews who make their lives on this

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